Why Application Lifecycle Management is more important than ever!

Nowadays, companies have to react faster than ever before: the speed, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity no longer allow for long planning and implementation times. This has an enormous impact on the IT landscape of companies: Regardless of whether the solution landscape is on-premises, hybrid or cloud-based: implementation and operation must be carried out as efficiently as possible. With a functioning Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) as the core, you lay the foundation for an integrated business transformation suite and methodology that enables you to react more quickly to business requirements and thus achieve a fast Time2Value. Knowledge of technical dependencies between “services” and higher-level process transparency plays an important role in being able to assess changes and their impact and establish a common language between IT and business. Despite the standard “SAP” software, a high degree of individuality is required, which entails interaction between different systems and services: More agile and distributed working methods must therefore be managed efficiently and transparently so that the changes on the various systems do not end in chaos.

Reducing complexity through transparency

Companies use IT systems and services for a variety of business processes that are often interconnected. SAP landscapes are becoming increasingly complex as they include various functions, interfaces and customizations. ALM provides a structured methodology to manage complexity by covering the entire lifecycle of an application or product: from solution design, realization, testing and deployment to operation and maintenance.

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Efficient and agile management of new business requirements with “built-in” transparency

Companies today are faced with a high pace of change. New business requirements, regulatory requirements, technology trends and market demands require constant adjustments to SAP applications. ALM helps companies to create transparency in two ways: On the one hand, the entire requirements and change management is made transparent and, on the other hand, process transparency is established for the business processes. This makes it possible to manage changes effectively. A structured and agile approach to requirements management during the design and implementation phase, more efficient and (automated) testing and deployment, as well as quality assurance throughout the entire process bring faster results for the business.

Risk management and stable operation

SAP applications are crucial for the smooth operation of companies and often store sensitive business data. An error or security vulnerability in the applications can lead to significant financial losses and reputational risks. ALM supports risk management by proactively and predictably detecting errors, quickly finding and automatically correcting root causes, and implementing best practices for testing, troubleshooting and operational security. Better control over changes made to SAP systems and adherence to compliance requirements are becoming increasingly important: questions such as who commissioned, tested and went live with which change, whether all security recommendations have been implemented or whether the systems, services and processes are available with sufficient quality and performance will no longer have to be asked annually during the audit, but on a daily basis.

Management of cloud or hybrid SAP landscapes

Many companies are migrating their SAP applications to the cloud to benefit from scalability, flexibility and cost advantages. Managing SAP applications in the cloud requires an adapted ALM strategy to take into account the specific requirements of the cloud infrastructure and services. ALM enables seamless management and monitoring of SAP applications in the cloud.

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Optimize your business processes and achieve a faster time-to-value by implementing effective application lifecycle management.